Export Compliance Training

Your Practical Approach to Export Compliance Training Prepared and Presented by Excelerate's Industry Experts


Web based full organization training for everyone, anywhere, and at anytime

Full LMS

The LMS provides Group Leader student management and report generation


Need based export compliance training for USA and Non-USA organizations


Content is maintained to ensure compliance with the ITAR and EAR

Export Compliance E-Learning

Excelerate provides a practical e-learning experience for the action-packed topic of U.S. Export Compliance.  There are four training courses that allow tailoring to exactly the type of training you need.  The training is provided in power point video presentation style based on our extensive experience and knowledge of the ITAR and EAR.

You have the option of taking each course as a single viewing or extending the bundle of courses into a Learning Management System (LMS) subscription.  If you want to fill an auditorium with staff to watch employee training, then just purchase the single view and enjoy.  If you would rather assign courses to employees, manage their progress, generate reports, and maintain records then select the LMS option.

Below are details on the course structure and organizational categories to help you decide which options work best for your organization.  We provide a set of courses for USA and also Non-USA organizations.

Course content will be updated regularly with new courses added based on requests and our commitment to include depth and quality of your training experience.

We are glad you are here and feel free to let us know if you have any questions.

Ex Training 1

Export Compliance Courses

Administration:  Detailed training for personnel who will administer export compliance in an organization.

Employee:  Training for staff and employees throughout an organization.

New Hire:  Quick overview of export compliance for new hires.

Refresher:  A yearly Export Compliance update for those that previously completed training.

LMS Courses
LMS Org Diagram PNG New

Compliance Training Categories

USA Organization:  The export compliance training is for U.S. organizations who will work directly or indirectly in association with the ITAR and EAR export regulations.

Non-USA Organization:  Similar to U.S. export compliance training with a focus on the Non-USA organizational responsibilities related to U.S. export compliance.  

LMS Training Roles

Group Leader:  Manages the group within the LMS to assign students, create sub-groups, and generate reports.  The person that creates the LMS account is assigned initial Group Leader. 

Enrolled Student:  The initial group provides access to all training courses to enrolled students.  The Group Leader can create sub-groups that contain certain courses, such as, a sub-group that contains the Employee Course for enrolled employees.  

LMS Roles

Course Overview

Below are links to the course overviews that provide information on the content of each course.  All four courses are included with your LMS account.  You will define the number of students to include at checkout and can add more anytime.

Have more questions?

Reach out and let us know how we can help - we enjoy hearing from you!

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